Day 13 – …it came from the deep

After walking through the old town most of yesterday, we ventured beyond the city walls, to the modern part of Quebec and its aquarium. While it isn’t particularly big (though admittedly we may be a bit spoiled by having been to the Henry Doorley Zoo many times and having seen whale sharks at the GeorgiaContinueContinue reading “Day 13 – …it came from the deep”

Day 9 – St Lawrence River @ La Malbaie

With two somewhat invalids in a party of four, we skipped out of Montreal early and drove up the St. Lawrence River. We headed to La Malbaie, which is a fantastic place, though there isn’t much there – unless you like looking at a huge expanse of water that says ocean much more than river,ContinueContinue reading “Day 9 – St Lawrence River @ La Malbaie”

Day – 7 Soccer Golf What The Heck?

The day started with us getting a nice fancy breakfast in the middle of nowhere Canada. After the delicious breakfast we found out there was there was soccer golf course. The wholes where golf holes except for the fact that the holes were gigantic and that the tees were cones. Everybody had size 5 balls.ContinueContinue reading “Day – 7 Soccer Golf What The Heck?”

Day 5 – On to greener pastures… (aka golf)

Another travel day, mostly. After all, we are trying to slowly make it to Canada, so that’s why we left NYC in the morning and –fortified with Bagels (+schmear)– embarked on another 5 hour drive, this time to Northern Vermont. Bill had located a great place to stop over: a culinary resort with a spaContinueContinue reading “Day 5 – On to greener pastures… (aka golf)”