Day 2—Washington D.C.

IMG_1813Well-rested after a fantastic dinner in the brand new Wharf area of DC near our hotel last night.

We woke up with energy to tackle the task of seeing D.C. in a single day.  Didn’t expect to spend most of the day at the new Museum of African American History, but we did. Unbelievably well-done and moving.

7 floors and hundreds of pictures later, we were back on the National Mall on a heat-advisory-type afternoon. Didn’t think the kids would have it in them for more museums but they were troopers!  First the Sackler Art Museum

Peacock Room

and then the Museum of Natural History.

A bus tour of DC at night completed a jam-packed learning experience of a day. Started at the famous and beautiful Willard hotel and hit the Lincoln, Jefferson, Vietnam, WWII Memorials, Arlington Cemetery, Kennedy Center, White House, Washington Monument, Capitol and tons of other important buildings.

The evening was capped by an Apollo 11 tribute on the Mall, where the rocket was projected onto the Washington Monument. Cool idea!

4 thoughts on “Day 2—Washington D.C.

  1. What a jammed pack day! Glad you got some good rest before tackling all of the day’s adventures. I love the “contemplation” picture of you and the boys.


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