Hiking and Camping


Today was just about the worst day, starting off with the terrible cold “Sleep” that we were not prepared to have. Since we weren’t able to sleep we all huddled up on one bed and snuggled for warmth. Then after the cold terrible sleep, we had to hike up what we thought as the most strenuous hike ever (climbing 1000ft at 8000ft is not “Easy”) going down the mountain was also tiring but after all that going to the camp to lay down was nice! after some rest we got up and decided we needed ice cream so we got Sugar Shack Ice cream and calmed down in our tent to watch the Martian zzzzzz…

One thought on “Hiking and Camping

  1. Oh no! I wouldn’t like camping without warm gear! I hope tonite is warmer for you and that you get some restful sleep. Hiking is HARD work in the Rockies! The scenery is spectacular and I’ll bet the ice cream was too!

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